如果在雅思口语考试中遇到一些平时积累较少的话题或者话题本身比较难的话,你也不要紧张,整理好思绪,能说什么就说什么,下面留学群雅思频道小编就就为你带来《雅思口语难度话题:An interesting talk or speech that you heard》,希望对你有所帮助。
Cue Card
Describe an interesting talk or speech that you heard.
You should say:
Who gave the talk
What the talk was about
Where you heard it
And explain why the talk was interesting / what you learned from the talk.
Well, to be honest, there aren’t so many speeches which I can remember clearly. But one talk that did leave a deep impression on me was by Li Kaifu, who is one of the most accomplished and respected people here in China.
As for what his speech was about, well it was quite a while ago when I heard it, so I can only remember bits of it. But in a nutshell, it was basically about success and how we can go about achieving it. In his speech, he outlined a few things that we can do if we want to lead a successful and fulfilling life. For example, one thing he touched upon was how we should chase after our dreams, instead of simply doing what other people expect of us. And hearing this from Li Kaifu himself really made me believe in the truth of that statement, because his speech is based on his own experience. And he also went on to explain that many other successful people also attribute their success to the fact that they pursued their dreams.
With regard to what I thought of the talk, well to put it simply, I thought it was really informative and I learned a lot from it, such as, you know, how to be successful in what we do, and also what values we should live our lives by.
这篇范例是介绍李开复的演讲,考生采取叙事法的结构,一一回答了Cue Card里面的四个问题,用词也十分的地道,是值得很多考生参考学习的。
以上就是留学群雅思小编为考生们带来的雅思口语难度话题:An interesting talk or speech that you heard,希望考生们不仅在回答这个题目在解答另外的雅思口语话题时也能运用文章的答题思路,清晰明了得按部就班地回答雅思口语问题。