今天留学群雅思小编为大家带来话题为《雅思口语话题:pass situation》的口语范文,希望对正在准备雅思口语的烤鸭们有所帮助。希望对大家2014年雅思口语考试有所帮助!
Topic: We have all walked away from situation in our lives-work, school, family matters that we have regretted. Have you ever walked away from a situation under less than ideal circumstances then later regretted your action? Discuss the situation, and then explain how you could have handled things differently.
I have gone through many difficult experiences in my life, but these challenges came a great deal of learning. One difficulty I had was taking the Writing Skill Test, a writing test that all undergraduates must pass. This is also my regret. If I had to go back and do it all over again, I would handle my test differently.
My parents always told me to finish four-year diploma, no matter how hard it is because based on their experiences, higher education will always benefit later in life. Immigrating to the United States when they reached at the end of the middle age, my parents didn't have a chance to go back to college. Therefore, the expectation for my successful future was their dream and obsession. I were pushed and---to success. However, studying under a lot pressure that made me so anxious; I kept failing the WST test several times and caused of delaying my school work. I told myself I couldn't afford to fail again because graduating from college was not only my fulfillment, but also it was my parent's dream. When all my earnest attempts failed, I decided to cheat on the test. I knew cheating was bad, but at the time, it seemed to be my only chance. I passed the test and graduated. I fulfilled my life dream and my parents' dream, but I wasn't ecstatic.
Later on in my life, I met many professional tests that were more challenge than the WST and I found myself more struggle with them than ever before. I have come to realize that I could cheat once but not for my whole life. Consequently, cheating was not a solution regardless of any under circumstance.
If I could can the past, I would do it all over again. I shouldn't have cheated on the test. It diminished my confidence, lowered my self-esteem, and lose my pride and dignity. Rather, I would make of an effort to pass the test honestly. I have come to realize that learning is along process of life, and diploma is not valuable when I haven't truly earned it.
以上就是留学群雅思这次为备考雅思口语的同学们准备的2014年雅思口语话题题库之pass situation 的雅思口语答案,供考生们学习参考。在此,口语的提高更多的还是在于平时的多说多练,这样才能提高口语能力和水平,才能在考试的时候不紧张,发挥自己的水平,并且流利自如的表达自己的想法,相信大家经过一定的练习之后口语水平一定会有很大的进步的。