本文来自雅思口语网liuxuequn.com《2009年10月8日雅思口语真题点评》。 本文为雅思名师刘莉专供留学群雅思频道作品,转载须注明作者和出处“留学群雅思频道”。
真题回放Part 1:
第一部分还是如常规首先询问个人信息做confirmation,除了必考话题work & study, hometown, hobby & spare time, 本次还有一些高频话题:major, transportation tool (bicycle), news, holidays,clothes and so on.
Eg: -Do you work or study? -What is your major? Do you like it? Why? Plan after graduation? -What do you do on weekends? -Is it important to have weekends off? Why / Why not? - Are two days enough for your weekend? Is it important for you to watch updated news? Why? - What kind of news do teenagers like watching? -When do you think is safer to ride bicycles?
烤鸭们需对于以上必考及高频话题予以充分准备。在近一两个月出现并将继续出现的高频话题补充如下,可作为备考重点:shopping, TV program, music (instrument), vegetable& fruit, transportation tool (drive), reading, swimming, ad on TV, writing,photography,neighborhood. 考生在备考时需逐一进行演练,整理搜集会发现题目几乎就集中在几个方面,万变不离其宗。随后就是对高频考题进行构思准备了,请口语能力一般的考生务必准备,不可忽略。只有提前准备才能在考试中少犯错。这部分建议大家每个问题提供3-5句切题的答案,好的答案包含不止一方面的信息:What, Who, When, Where, Why, How,这六个方面通常是我们构思一个好答案的切入口,从这些方面进行Brainstorming(头脑风暴)肯定不会无话可讲,适当扩充了答案,而且加入亲身经历会使答案与众不同吸引考官,答案一定不能千篇一律,准备的时候要注意个性化!请大家在第一部分充分准备提供够“雅思”的答案来给考官留下一个深刻的好印象。
真题回放Part 2:
People: A competition related to a person, A famous person, An important conversation, An intelligent / wise person, childhood friend, A good Advice.
Object: family photo, A book or story you enjoyed reading, A car/vehicle that you want to have, A special gift, Flower.
Place: A city you want to go, A country you want to go, A place near the water that you always visited, A small shop, Hometown, A place which has been polluted, Restaurant.
Event: A happy event in your childhood, A successful activity you do in an organization in the college or in the work, An interesting childhood event, Current happy things, Party, Shopping experience,an educational trip you take in your school or univercity
Others: A course you would like to learn when you have time, A new thing you want to learn in the future, A leisure activity you would like to start, A science lesson, An article from magazine, An ideal Job, An important plan you want to do in the future, Last job that you did very quickly, Movie, Perfect/ideal climate , Song, Sports, Swimming, TV programme, a car or motorbike that you have or would like to have in the future.
点评:这次part2的考题中,四大topic比例相当,在08年最in 话题排行榜第一的是地点题,而在今年的九十月份来看物品题比例较高。这也是今年雅思口语的一个总体趋势,大家在备考中四大话题都应充分准备。Part2一直以来都是中国考生的薄弱环节,其主要原因是大部分学生平时缺乏针对性的描述训练,拿到这样的话题往往无所适从,或只言片语便无法继续下去,论述逻辑不清晰。下面我以本次地点题中的restaurant为例讲解part 2的答题思路。
Describe the reataurant that you like best.
You should say :
* what the name of the restaurant is.
* Where it is.
* why you like it.
* And explain why it is speacial.
Step1: outline
Step2: speaking
* T: topic sentence. 一句话直接切入入主题。最简单topic sentence陈述方式是复述题目,如此题Describe the reataurant that you like best,那么主题句即可为 I enjoyed visiting a restaurant called … (也可适当扩充:如it’s within walking distance of my home, so I go there regularly, either with my friends or with my family members.)
* S: supporting ideas. 根据上述outline中的关键词依次扩展。但需注意的是supporting ideas中也有主次之分,考生们应把论述重点放在主观描述,即为什么你喜欢这个酒店,这个酒店特别在哪。这也是回答不熟悉话题时的一个技巧。建议给出两到三点支持理由,观点之间必有过渡词连接显示逻辑性,如:firstly, I like it because the atmosphere appeals to me greatly. Most people who go there are locals. They live alone and don’t want to bother to cook for themselves, so they go to this restaurant. They used to be shy and keep quiet while eating. The reataurant owner decided to give them a daily topic to exchange opinions about. As a result, people don’t feel lonely any more. Besides,(secondly, in addition, furthermore, what’s more) what makes the restaurant special is that people can make a lot of friends among their neighbors, unlike most Chinese restautants. What is also worth noticing is that(finally,lastly,thirdly) on Fridays, smokers are seperated from non-smokers. You will not be annoyed by the smoke hovering around you while enjoying your meal. More often than not, I go there as a reward for myself after a week’s hard work.
* C: conclusion. 简单总结,使论述更加完整。如 The reataurant is always held a special place in my heart.
* 总结:part2实际上就是一到两分钟的口头作文。所以论述框架必须十分清晰, 按TSC的模式展开,使论述更加严密完整才是高分的保证。 此外语言方面要避免书面化,使用过于复杂句式和生僻词汇只会暴露你提前准备过,官方严格规定背诵答案不满6分。充分进行准备,进行话题覆盖,练习话题套用。
Part 3部分实考回顾:
We had a conversation about transportation system:
- Is it important to have a good transportation system in a country?
- What benefits does it bring to a country's economy?
- Does it have effects on social life and community?
- Does it affect the way people work?
- Do you think it’s necessary to accept other’s advice ?
– Do you think we should accept advice from old person?
- In your community,how do you often seek advice ?
虽然理论上该部分的问题由第二部分的描述内容派生而来,但这些问题灵活性大且有深度,考生需搜集近期考题逐个锻炼口语思维,积累常用examples and details,才能在实考时从容不迫。