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2012-04-18 09:38




【 liuxuequn.com - 雅思口语 】

Part I questions:

Are Saturdays and Sundays important to you?
Which do you prefer, Saturday or Sunday?
Should people be working or resting on Saturdays and Sundays?
Should people be paid overtime for working at the weekend?
Do you know anyone who works at the weekend?

Do you collect anything?
Why do you collect …?
I s collecting a popular pastime in China?
What items are considered collectibles in your country?
Does anyone in your home collect anything?
Do a lot of people in China and what do they collect?
What are the benefits of collecting?

Where are you from?
Are you from a city or village (countryside)?
Is your hometown a good place for young people to live?
Would you retire there when you are old?
Do you still visit your hometown?
How do you visit your hometown?
Who do you visit in your hometown?
Which place do you prefer, your hometown or the city you are studying or working?

Do you like flowers?
What is your favorite flower?
What are the occasions when people send or receive flowers?
What flowers have special meanings in China?

Do you live in the city or the countryside?
Is it good for young people to grow up in the city?
Have you ever been to the seaside?
Do you often eat out (go to restaurants)?
What food do you like?

Do you mind noises?
What type of noise do you come across in your daily life?
Are there any sounds that you like?
Are cities becoming noisier?

Part II&III questions

1. Part II Topic
If you received a lot of money
-Who would you share with?
-What would you buy?
-What else would you do?
-Your feelings about get so much money?

Part III Questions
Is money important to you?
Is pay the most important factor in a job?
Do you think children are given too much pocket money in China?

2. Part II Topic
Describe a positive change in your life.
-what is it?

Part III Questions
Do you think China has gone through a lot of changes in recent years?
What are the most positive changes?
Do you think there will be more changes in the future?

3. Part II Topic
Describe a job you would like to have in the future
-what does this job involve
-what does this job require from you
-why you would like to have this job
-if this job pays you well

Part III Questions
Which is more important, family or work?
Do you think it is good to change your job all the time?
What people are looking at when they judge a person in terms of work?
What do people consider when they decide the age of retirement?
In light of social and environmental change, d(转载自第一范文网https://www.liuxuequn.com,请保留此标记。)o you think people’s will change, such as attitude towards work?

4. Part II Topic
Describe something which you do that makes you busy
-what makes you busy
-when are you busy
-how do you do it
-how do you feel when you don’t have to do this something

Part III Questions
If you had a timetable, what would it be like?
What are the benefits of keeping a timetable?
Do you think it is important to make plans?

5. Part II Topic
Describe a person who helped you
-who this person was
-what he did to help you
-how important was the help to you
-why do you think this person helped you

Part III Questions
What kind of people needs help in your country?
Are there any non-government organizations which help people in your country?
Where does the funding for these organizations come from?
Do you think it is important to help people in need?
Is it important for visitors to your country to get help?

6. Part II Topic
Describe and old place in China.
-where it is
-how old it is
-if it is important
-if it is popular as a place of interest

Part III Questions
How important is history to a nation?
In what ways can we learn history?
Do people in China visit history museums?
Do you think museums should be free?

7. Part II Topic
Describe a piece of clothing or jewelry that is special to you
-what it looks like
-on what occasions do you wear it
-explain why it is important to you

Part III Questions
What kinds of clothes are traditional in China?
What kinds of clothes do young people like?
Do old people like fashion?
Why do the young people like fashion?
What brands are popular in China?
Do people wear different kinds of clothes on different occasions?

8. Part II Topic
Describe your childhood room
-what it is like
-what was in it
-what did you do in it

Part III Questions
Do you think children should have their own rooms?
Do children benefit from sharing a room with others?
What do you think of people who decorate their houses in a very flamboyant manner?

9. Part II Topic
Describe a product that you have regretted purchasing
Or describe an unhappy shopping experience

Part III Questions
Are the services in big stores and small ones the same?
What services should shop have?
What are the differences between machine-made and hand-made goods?

Describe a work of art (or painting) you have seen
Briefly describe your family history
Describe a shop you often visit( or your favorite shop)
Describe your favorite radio station (radio program)
Describe the oldest person you know



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