Thisis a tough question. I have never heard about it, nor have I ever read about it(倒装句丰富句型).
Give me a few seconds forme to search every piece of information in my head now.
It is an abstract question. I know littleabout it.
Are you asking me something about+你重复一下句子中的关键词…?
Have I given enough information? It wouldbe great if you could give me more.
Am I making myself clear?
Nowyou want me to talk about it. But I don't have too much to say.
Giveme a few seconds for me to organize my thought a little bit.
你可以说这些简单的过渡词: well”,“you know” “actually” “I mean” “personally” “to be honest” “on the other hand” “frankly” “as a matter of fact“,“as what I said before”,“As per my understanding”等等,这些表达也叫”discourse marker”(语篇标记),也就是并不改变句子本质意思的语言填充物。这样的表达也是我们雅思官方评分标准里面有明确要求的。它们可以帮助我们争取思考的时间。
这些表达因人而异,既可以是filler, 还可以选择如下:
1)Well, the first thing thatcomes to my mind is that…..
2)Okay, there are severalreasons to consider….
3)I am not an expert in thisfiled, but as far as I know, ….
Describe an old person you respect
You should say:
Who he/she is
How you know this person
What kinds of things you like to do together
and explain how you feel about this person
When it comes to the one I respect the most, I’d like to talk about my deargrandfather, a seventy - year - old man.
To be honest, I don’t remember when I knew him, probably the momentwhen I was born. But I know a lot about him indeed. My grandpa has a very kindsmile which always gives me great comfort and encouragement especially when Iam depressed. my grandfather teaches me a lot. He often tells me to be braveand dare to bear the responsibility.
In terms of what we’d like to do together, I think it is to turn “waste”into wealth. My grandpa can always find a suitable place for the “junk”. Heoften teaches me how to give in and put the "junk" in its suitableplace. My grandpa has helped me to develop a habit of preserving everything,everything he thinks is useful, everything goeswhere it should go. Surprisingly,all these "junk" can always find their position and functionfairly well(相当好地),holding small things or optimizing my bicycle sothat it can operate better……
And another thing is that my grandpa always sits next to me and tells a lotof interesting stories. It seems he always has many stories attracting me. Sowe are more like a pair of good friends. This is my grandfather, the one Irespect the most. I love him.
你只要根据每一个小问题来回答即可,part2的框架就构建好了,平时大家就要好好练习这样的框架搭建啦!像我这样,每个part2话题的素材准备,就跟我上面的例子一样,一段一段写出来。根据我的个人经验,当涉及到新的一方面东西时,西方人说话很喜欢用as for. When it comes to, for ,interms of等这些。大家可以在切换不同小问题之间,用这些简单连接词进行过度。框架搭好之后,得考虑框架的血与肉了!那么你就需要运用以下这些方法啦,当然这些方法也是非常适用part3的啦!
1) 对比
2) 举例
3) 两面利弊
Part3的话题与Part2有紧密联系,发散性和议论性都很大。但是一定要知道答题的一个规律和模式,Part3是就Part2的topic深入探讨,一般都会问你一些社会性的大问题,你的回到一定是先总后分(先总体后个人)千万别用I think之类的表达个人意见。应该先总的说大家都公认的都有哪几点,然后分点说,因为part 3考官就是要你发表自己的看法,不能一两句就说完了,这个跟part 1还是有区别的)。
What kind of activities do old people like to do these days? 先总的说一些,有很多种活动,再分类别一一说明,附带一些举例,先总后分。
As for the activities the old are keen on, there are a variety of entertainments(总的概括来一句).分点说明What I want to mention firstlyis doing the morning exercises and taking a walk after dinner. You know, thesquare dancing is so hot now. Almost every women and men of the age between 40to 60 years old enjoy it. Secondly, old peopletend to travelling. It is well-known that they have already retired, so theycan take advantage of the time to travel to different places. Talking about mygrandpa, he travels a great deal as did most of his friends, knowing more abouteach local conditions and customs, to enrich himself. 大家要是还有就往后添加。
先总后分,尽量分点说明,再附带举例,那么你的口语框架就构建好了。Practicemakes perfect! 口语重在练习,没有太多的技巧可言,只要能持之以恒,就能取得较大的进步,对雅思整体分数的提高会有出其不意的效果。
4. 了解自己的强项与弱项
5. 考前熟悉题库和考试流程