考官问道:What type of weather do you like?
I love sunny days with azure skies. So I can do a lot of outdoor activities.
或者:I love cold weather and particularly enjoy it when it snows.
再或者:I love rainy days, because I love the feeling of walking in rain.直截了当的回答加简单的原因描述是大多数考官所喜欢听到的内容。
Spring: warm, windy, dusty,sand-storm, flowers blossoming
Summer: Hot, rainy, wet (lots ofrain), stormy, humid, sunny, stuffy, sweltering, sauna-like
Fall/Autumn: Cool, crisp, mild, cozy,clear/azure sky, golden season
Winter: Cold, freezing, snowy, icy,short days, long nights
考官问:What type of weather do Chinese people usually like?
I think it really varies according to age, where they live, and whatthey love to do with their time. Generally most Chinese people like sunny days,though some people may like rainy days, particularly those live in arid places.
考官问:Which is your most/least favorite season?
你可以回答:I love fall more than any other seasons. During fall, thetemperature is neither very hot nor very cold, just crisp. And the humidity isneither too high nor too low. In addition, it is also a golden season, a seasonof harvest.
Well,I find winter is the hardest season of all. I just hate cold weather. To beginwith, it really bothers me when I am down with flu. Plus, I have to wear a lotto keep my body warm in order not to catch a cold. It just makes me look asstupid as a bear.
考官问:Do you do different things in summer and in winter?
你可以回答:Of course. In summer I tend to do more outdoor activities, whereas Ispend most of my time at home in winter, surfing on internet, for example.
…, whereas …
…, but on the contrary …
…, while in the meantime …
考官问:What do you often do on sunny/rainy days?
你可以回答:I often do a lot of outdoor activities on sunny days, such asplaying basketball, hiking to the nearest lake and so on.
Onrainy days, I would rather like to stay at home, either watching TV or taking arest.