例如:Do you have many friends? 同学大多数会直接按照字面的意思回答成‘Yes, I do. I have 10 friends’ 其实这个问题的隐含意是‘能讲讲你对朋友或友情的看法吗?’你完全可以天马行空的谈任何与友情相关的论点。
就拿这道题来说,可以涉及的点包括:1. 与朋友在一起的好处;2. 与朋友在一起都做些什么; 3. 友谊对你来说重要吗; 4. 什么性格的人没有朋友; 5. 独自一个人的好处; 6. 交不到朋友的原因和如何交朋友,等等。 那么你在做出肯定或否定回答后,只要给出任何一个引申作为解释都可以。而且其他与朋友相关的问题也都是大同小异,可以一个答案对应很多问题,从而做到以一敌百。
1. Are your friends mostly your age or different ages? [Why?]
Well…give me a second…Hah! Actually most of them are in my age and maybe it’s because I am still a college student and we are all good at socializing. I spend variety of my time hanging out with my friends who are also my classmates. Probably, it is a destiny that we can study in the same class and become close friends。
2. Do you usually see your friends during the week or at weekends? [Why?]
Ok…on weekdays, I think. Especially after the whole day study, we always have fun together. As we have a lot in common, like collecting comics and stickers. We are also addicted in swimming and playing badminton which makes us very energetic。
3. The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together?
Last time…what did we do…well…oh! We went shopping together on last Sunday morning. We planned to buy a birthday gift for one of our best buddy. In fact, it took us the whole day and finally we found a perfect one, which is a pink PSP player. But you know, most of the time I don’t really care what we do as long as my friends and I are together。
4. In what ways are your friends important to you?
How to say… that’s nice question and I’ve never thought about it before…frankly speaking, I really consider friendship be one of the most significant thing in my life. As everyone needs to have people to communicate to and share our problem with, there are things you can only tell your friends, especially when your boy/girl friend breaks your heart again or something like that. And just as Aristotle said, without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods。
Do you have many friends? Are they casual acquaintances or close friends?
=第一题 主要谈朋友间的亲疏远近
Do you prefer to stay with your family or with your friends?
=第四题 谈朋友的重要性
Do you prefer one or two close friends or many friends?
=第二+三题 根据爱好的不同选择朋友的数量。比如,爱好集邮就选择少的,爱好足球就选择多的。
What do you do when you get together with your friends?
=第二+第三题 谈在一起做什么
How to make friends?
=第一题 答案很简单,be socializing;与有共同爱好的人交朋友,等。