Recent years have witnessed the tendency that companies, in order to give opportunities to new generation, tend to encourage high level employees who are older than 55 to retire. After pondering this phenomenon on many occasions, I finally reach the opinion that this trend is something worthy to be advocated and I cannot skip it. Inevitably, there are numerous reasons that count. I would like to expose a few of the most conspicuous ones as follows.
语言方面:由于大量使用了套句,所以基本上没有任何语言错误。但是who are older than 55, 可以改成who are age over 55,感觉会更好一点!!!
The point on the top of my list for my propensity is that young people, physically, are more vigorous and energetic than elder ones. That is to say, young employees are more reliable when saddled with heavy burdens, which the elder cannot withstand due to their physical condition. Confronted with the work of high density, the elderly are inclined not to catch up with the steps of the young who may accomplish their mission swiftly and adroitly.
点评:第1句话使用了一个比较高层次的套句来表明自己的分论点,是一个不错的主题句。第2句开始,由that is to say引出了supporting sentences。此段共3句话,采用了1’+2模式,即第1句主题句,后2句支持句。这种结构一般只有高手才用,因为只写2句支持句很难达到字数要求,所以语言功底还没达到这个境界的同学可以多写几句支持句。
巧妙之处:这一段的套句用得不错,而且很好得控制了套句的“量”!很清晰地从physically来分析,the elder的不足之处,内容很明确。
语言方面:这里有值得大家学的地方就是:写作文不要总是想着怎么用“大词”,其实用一些大学6级的词汇就已经很好了!!!此段中:vigorous, energetic, saddled with, confronted with, withstand, be inclined to, adroitly都是不错的表达,而且都是6级所涵盖的词汇!!!
Another factor we cannot neglect is that young people are more prone to achieve outstanding academic performance with formal education. In case of the youth, they live in a world with the burgeoning of computer science and high-advanced technology, so it is easier for them to access the avant-courier and to accept it. On the country, in case of the people in their later middle age, they are more apt to be conservative and what they have learned are most probably to be behind the time. All of these make it rational for them to be taken the place of.
点评:此段也是通过一个套句来表明作文的另一个分论点。而且是一个1’+ 3模式,支持句多了1句,因此,段落的词汇也多了。内容上来说,还是比较独立的,没有重复内容的迹象!(要注意,很多同学认为雅思作文的内容不重要,所以写的时候不够注意,结果不同的段落交待的内容其实很相似,这样的文章在内容上要扣分的!!!)
巧妙之处:支持句的层次很清晰!!!有些同学在论证自己分论点的时候,所写的支持句的内容很混乱,没有什么联系,很莫名。而此段将the youth和the people in their later middle age来比较,很清晰地段落安排。最后值得一提的是,此段最后1句还写了个总结句,使得段落内容看上去很完整。由于雅思作文老师并不强调正文段的段落最后要写总结句,所以很多学生是基本不写,这篇很难得!
语言方面:此段的缺点就在于有些语言方面的错误,虽然不严重,而且看似由于粗心,但“还是错了”!在考试时,考官可不会管你是不是粗心!!!绿色部分是错的地方。应改为:in the case of, behind the times, on the contrary, most likely.
此外,be prone to, be apt to还是用得不错的!但是,avant-courier 并不是很好,虽然看似有点难,其实和它一个意思的还有avant-garde, vanguard.这些词都是外来词,的确可以显示作者的词汇量,但是,仔细的人会发现,这个句子的内容其实很平淡,甚至有点抽象,这样的句子虽然有了华丽的词汇来装饰,但内容空洞,甚至有时候内容根本读不懂,老外并不喜欢这样的句子!!!不建议大家模仿这样的句子。
Also, it is sagacious to keep an eye on the crucial cause that young employees, mentally speaking, are rich in creativity, flexibility, and self-motivation. Owing to the strength in body, they are always ready to find new ways to solve the problem they meet, which will contribute a lot to the company not only to survive in the fierce competition but also to maintain sustainable development.
点评:结构很固定:1’+ 1的模式,支持句略微有些少,但是句子很长,所以字数也够了。第1句还是简单得用了一个套句。
巧妙之处:内容上和正文段的第1段非常匹配!!!第1段是从phisically来讲,而此段是从mentally speaking来讲,所以内容上的安排还是不错的!!!
语言方面:炫耀了长句的能力!!!最后一句写了将近3行,很牛!!!但是在我牛魔王眼里,这个句子还是很有问题的!!!(哈哈)which will contribute a lot to the company not only to survive in the fierce competition but also to maintain sustainable development这个句子的后半,not only ...感觉很怪,不是很流畅!!!可以改成:which is conducive not only to the company's survival in the face of fierce competition but also to its maintenance of sustainable growth.这样写,是不是更牛呢,哈哈。(和我比长句,还嫩呢!!!)前半句:Owing to the strength in body可以改成thanks to body strength这样感觉更简洁。说正经的,大家要切忌,雅思大作文不是一味地炫耀长句,而是该长的长,该短的时候就必须要短!!!这样才不会给人感觉,文章很verbose!!!
To put all into a nutshell, though I do not mean that the aged employees who own the abundance of routine practice and social experience are neither rhyme nor rhythm, from what I have presented above, we can safely draw the conclusion that it is advisable to give opportunities to new generation in companies and incorporations.