尽管2003年9月开考的写作TASK2几乎全为陈年“腐”题,TASK1却让绝大多数考生措手不及,许多考生反映无从下手。为此特献上这篇9月13日考题TASK1的范文供大家参考。其实,每一篇过程/流程图在题目中均有讲清楚是干什么用的。重要的一点是要会用被动语态,基本句型为:object(图中提供的物品/用具)+is/are+动词过去分词+to do sth.
1、努力搞清其工作原理,由题目、图及图表旁解来确定,没搞清原理则匆忙下笔易离题。所以这种题对常识的要求较高,下回若出现“热胀冷缩”(another two scientific principles: expansion and contraction---heat makes something expand while cold makes it contract)那也是考你没商量;
4、introduction是需要的,最简方法为restate the topic but never copy it. 无须conclusion,除非字数不够;
5、不必为自己贫乏的动词而苦恼,实在没办法,可将几个常用的动词顶一顶。不就是考个5分6分么,你若看懂13/9的TASK1考题,而且会用put/use/place/come up/come down/get/take等,我就不信你做不到。
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The diagram describes an outdoor way of acquiring water from nature.
(The following device can possibly help you out of trouble for survival after desperately failing to search water in the wild.----不够字数时可用这种描述,即适当加一些个人见解,但要慎用)
There are six key components in the diagram: the sun, the stones, two pieces of plastic film, green plants, a plane tree and a container. This process applies two scientific principles to collect water: evaporation and condensation.
We can see clearly that water stored in the green plants is evaporated by the heat of the sun to form a certain amount of water vapor, rising to condense on the top sheet of plastic film which functions as a cover. Under the cover, there is a larger sheet of plastic film which is used to encircle the plants in order to trap the heat. Two pieces of plastic film are secured by the plane and stones, and another stone is placed to form a depression in the center of the cover, forming a cone. As a result, the water vapor is collected/condensed and water drops are formed/created at the bottom of the cone.
Eventually the water drops are funneled to (or fall into) the container below.