Food can be produced cheaper if we use improved fertilizers and better machinery.
However some methods may be dangerous for human health, and may have negative effects for local communities.
What is your opinion?
预祝您雅思作文更上一层楼,感谢您阅读《雅思作文食品话题习作》一文.本文来自雅思作文网《雅思作文食品话题习作》。 = 食品 制造成本降低
agriculture has become one key word in the global debate of environmental issues. some hold that improved fertilisers combined with better machinery will amount to a significant reduction in costs of producing food, while others contend that negative impacts will also ensue on human health and on local communities.
the former school (类别) of thought stands on the ground that improved fertilizers and better machinery will increase productivity. fertilizers boost the capacity of each inch of ground to churn out crops, and machinery boost the capacity of man to harvest them. and according to the theories of economy of scale, overall cost for each kilogram of crops will correspondingly decrease.
(这个段落层层递进,目标只有一个:reduction of costs)
the second school has its point, though. fertilizers are unnatural products made of special chemicals. while these chemicals may enhance the productivity of the soil, they may also mutate the chemical make-up of the plants, either by affecting their genetic formation, or by getting themselves absorbed into the plants. the residues will remain in the food all the way to man's stomach. this will, of course, affect our health.
预祝您雅思作文更上一层楼,感谢您阅读《雅思作文食品话题习作》一文.本文来自雅思作文网《雅思作文食品话题习作》。 的用法:适当使用“这个”“那个”“这些”“那些”,不只是词汇的问题,更能够向考官证明你的思路是“连贯的”,这是明确的加分点。)
(这个段落层层递进,目标只有一个:effects on health)
also, as the second school maintains, there is the use of the machinery. tractors and harvesting machines, unlike farmers harvesting with their reaping hooks, bring exhaust fumes to the farms and local communities, which worsens air pollution.
(很多人都会漏写这一段,但只要仔细观察大纲,你就会发现,还有machinery和local community没有讲)
my judgement tells me that in the long term, we should advocate the second school of thought. we may be inspired by cheaper foods, higher consumptions and thus better GDP numbers, but if all these have to be traded at the price of our people's health, they are worthless. environmental interests have always been in conflict with economic developments, and the wiser way is to choose the latter's side.
(第二句的结构注意:may … but … 这种“柳暗花明”结构是雅思阅读中常见的陷阱结构,是雅思考官的最爱,如果你在考试里能正确使用,那你赚翻了。)
there are, of course, things we can do. first, we can issue policies through legislation to restrict the use of fertilizers . second, we can develop new forms of nature-friendly fertilizers. third, we can reduce exhaust fumes on farms by encouraging the use of vehicles feeding on clean power, such as electricity or hydrogen fuels.
(解决问题的方法也是几句就简明说完,不要啰嗦。可适当采用there are things we can do 这个句型。)