在雅思口语考试中经常出现一些问题让学生很头疼,特别是一些考生不喜欢,或者很少做的题目,其实同学们可以把不熟悉变成熟悉,把被动变为主动,举购物这一话题为例,do you love shopping? what do you usually shop for? do Chinese people like shopping?这类的问题。一般男生都会说不喜欢,女生肯定说喜欢,同学们记住不要光回答Yes,或者NO,要给原因。但这个原因一定要看下考官的“性别”,绝大大数女性会说喜欢购物,男性会不喜欢。如果让考官喜欢你,首先要喜欢考官所喜欢的东西,如果考官是女的,同学们,包括男生,一定要说喜欢购物。如果考官是男的,你是男生,那你就说不喜欢,但喜欢购什么物呢(这就是让考官陷入你的“圈套”了)
Do you like shopping ? (考官是女的,同学们都说喜欢)
1)Yes, I do,记住是Yes I do,不要说成Yes, I love.
2)I+F=HAPPY,I代表你,F是你的friend or family. I like go shopping ,and my friends also like shopping/my parents also do. we often go shopping on weekends in downtown,which makes us very happy and relaxed out of the pressured work and studying.
I love shopping for some books in my spare time ,for reading is my cup of tea,especially the fictions. Also I'll buy clothes for parents. You know they are very busy with work and have little time to shop.(给考官的感觉你就是孝顺的人啦)
Do you like shopping?(考官是男的,你也是男的)
I do not think so,you know i am a guy, and I think it is a waste of time and money(考官会觉得找到志同道合的人哈), I love reading in my leisure time,for reading is my cup of tea,especially the fictions./I love playing basketball in my spare time ,for it can help shape my body and build up strong sense of teamspirit(把考官套入你的爱好中,口语考试不是很死板的,虽然第一部分关于shopping的考题可能有5个左右,但你不喜欢shopping,之后的问题考官不再问与shopping 有关的问题,就问你所喜欢的reading,之后考官所问的都是你最熟悉的,记住同学们,一定要讲些你最擅长的东西,否则考官会觉得你在说谎)考官一般会问,what kind of books do you like to read? with whom you like reading ? hoe often do you read?这类的话题,所以同学们在爱好题中(reading, shopping ,traveling,film, sports)可以互相转化,因考官的性别做出对策。