1. 问姓名
2. 是工作还是在学习? Studying
3. 你是否喜欢校园生活?我说当然喜欢。还没说完,她又问是否愿意有些改变,我说是的,我希望出国,再不就在大城市找个好工作。我喜欢挑战。
4. 是否常去SHOPPING?SHOPPING能让你得到什么? Yes. You spend money and get what you want.
5. 你通常去什么样的商店? Since my hometown is a small city, so shops there are not very big. So we always buy things in some small shops.
6. 你通常怎样SHOPPING? Walking. With my friends.
7. 中国有些什么动物? 我先一口答出熊猫,说panda is our China’s treasure.然后又补了,鸟,鱼,。。。。。。反正说世界上别的国家有的大部分我们这也有。
8. 你是否喜欢动物? I like dog very much , in fact I have a dog, a pet dog at home. She is a Beijing dog, or Peking dog. I like to play with her.
9. 中国人通常不喜欢什么? 我说是蛇,其他还有什么就因人而易了。
10. 中国人喜欢养什么? 我说多,有bird, fish---golden fish, dog, cat, and so on..
我说是university life. It’s called prime time. We can learn a lot of knowledge in the period. 然后说了去图书馆,能够参加社会实践,learn some useful experience from the society. That’ll be very helpful when we find a job. We share our happy time with our friends. For me, I like chat with my roommate. You know, that’s girl’s talk. We talk about boyfriend, family, the children we will have, and so on。 还说了些什么就不记得了。
1. 你认为孩子什么时候算adult? 我说中国孩子一般要到18岁,而西方国家大概16岁就成年了。
2. 为什么中国孩子成年比西方晚呢?我说as you know nowadays, many family just have one child at home, so the parents always spoil their child, they always do every thing for the child. So the child like to ask the parents such as, “oh, daddy, can I do this?” or “ mama, can I do that?”
3. 成为adult是否就能结婚?不!肯定不是。
4. 那么法定年龄是多少? In china, that’s 20 for girls and 22 for boys。 (不知道是不是?)
5. 那么你认为法定年龄结婚是否合适? Oh, that’s depends, cause some people mature late but some are early.
6. 孩子成年是否就能自己做决定?比如决定结婚?不是,结婚肯定不行。但可以决定买什么衣服呀,裤子呀,这一类的。
7. 中国人用于农业的动物有哪些?(我不知道我理解对没有,她用的是in agriculture)反正我说 let me see, 然后就再想什么是in agriculture,然后还是决定就说有猪,鸡,鸭子,鱼。
8. 你认为你今后或现在面临的最大的困难是什么? 我本来是想说找个好工作,但是可惜当时怎么都想不起怎么说career,其实前面才说了。然后我就说是找boyfriend. I mean partner. It’s really difficult for us to find a perfect partner. I mean I hope I can find not only a boyfriend but also a soul-mate, I mean I hope he can understand me well, and I can understand him well.