题目: Do you enjoy dancing ? ( why / why not ? ) 本题选自剑6题集第一套题中的口语第一部分
这道题以一般疑问句的方式进行提问,对于一般疑问句的考题,切记避免one-word anwser, 千万不要只说YES / NO . 问你喜不喜欢跳舞,要了解考官的出题思路,要知道考官想听到什么,这道题考官想知道你喜欢还是不喜欢,不是问你喜欢还是不喜欢哪种舞,你要给出原因,但是我告诉你,考官根本不在意你的结论,在意的是你能不能用英文顺利表达。
enjoy一词表示”喜欢“,在进行”喜欢“的表达时,要进行多样化的陈述,切记单一,你只知道 I like,那是非常危险的,别老玩”俗词“
(喜欢)Absolutately, I'm really into dancing, it is a cool stuff, you know, dancing can really burn off lots of calories, one more thing,I sweat like a pig as well every time I dance . or even helps me unwind, I'm telling you , no any particular trick in it, All you have to do is dance to the music, to the rhythm, just get the groove on.
(不喜欢) Dancing ? (注意语气表现),It's gonna be the very last thing I want to do,It's not my strong suit, coz I'm not a energetic person, I kind of lack of sense of balance, My flexibility sucks , I can't even touch my toes .