2014 年1-7 的雅思考试已告一段落,这几个月的考试中出现了两次较大的题目更替,五月的题目如下:
Accommodation |
Animals |
Cars |
clothes |
concentration |
cooking |
dictionary |
food |
hometown |
Housework |
Internet |
languages |
Leisure time |
maps |
museum |
music |
names |
neighbors |
noise |
parks |
photograph |
rain |
relatives |
shopping |
studies |
television |
time |
toys |
train |
work |
不难看出,第一部分题目受换题月的影响,大部分题基本没变。新题中除了MAPS 是一道之前没有出现过的题,其他的都是翻新题。
1. Describe something that you bought but not use very often.
2. Describe a piece of advice someone ever gave you.
3. Describe a foreign film you enjoyed.
4. Describe something you want to share with other people.
5. Describe a neighbor you ever helped.
6. Describe an indoor game in your childhood.
7. Describe a famous person in a country (not your own).
8. Describe your first cell phone.
9. Describe a family celebration that you have attended.
10. Describe a popular law in your country.
11. Describe a school where you studied in your childhood.
12. Describe a foreign country you like to visit for the first time.
13. Describe a city you have ever visited.
14. Describe a language except English that you want to learn.
15. Describe a piece of broken equipment (washer, TV, ect).
16. Describe a holiday you enjoyed.
17. Describe someone who has an interesting job.
18. Describe a beautiful place where you want to have a home.
19. Describe a time when you are busy.
20. Describe a time when you moved to a new school or home.
21. Describe a positive change in your life.
22. Describe a sport you like to watch or do.
23. Describe a wedding you attended.
24. Describe something you once forgot to do.
25. Describe a comic actor in your country.
26. Describe an intelligent person you know.
27. An old person you enjoy talking to.
28. Describe a historic building that you visited.
29.Describe a park or garden you visited and liked.
30.Descrbe a place near water that you enjoyed visiting.
31. Describe a dicision you took a long time to make.
32. Describe a high school subject you do not(or did not) like.
33. Describe a film you didn't like.
34. Describe a group that you would like to be part of.
35. Describe an advertisement that you think is successful.
36.Descirbe an imprtant letter you received.
37. Descirbe an antique or an old object in your family.
38. Describe a foreign culture that you like.
39. Describe something that you saved money for.
40. Describe an interesting job you would like to do in the future.
41. Describe a competition you want to take part in.
42. Describe a friend you haven't seen for a long time.
43. Describe something special you brought home from a holiday.
44.Describe a hotel you enjoyed staying.
45. Describe a wild animal.
雅思复习计划时间表 | |
1 | 雅思考前十天复习计划 |
2 | 雅思30天复习计划 |
3 | 雅思半年复习计划 |
4 | 雅思一年复习计划 |
5 | 雅思复习计划三步走 |
留学群雅思栏目整理 |