众所周知拿到一个题,首先我们得找出关键词(key words),然后在原文去定位,找到位置之后就要分析了。
1. 首先我们得看题目要求中有无choose,如:choose No More Than Three Words ....表明一定是原文中的单词(此处注意单复数)。
2.summary 如果出现在文章的最后,多半定位词也在原文后半部分。
3.关键词单,复数原则, 如:
原文:Already, waste paper constitutes 70% of paper used for packaging and advances in the technology required to remove ink from the paper have allowed a higher recycled content in newsprint and writing paper.
题目:one major difficulty is the removal of ink from used paper but _____ are being made in this area.(*****难度)
未发生:假设if,should 等
现在拿剑7第一套第二篇The True Cost Of Food 中的summary 为列。
Professor Pretty concludes that our__22___ are higher than most people realize,because we make three different types of payment . He feel it is realistic to suggest that Britain should reduce its reliance on___23___ .Although most famers would be unable to adapt to___24___ , Professor Pretty wants the government to initiate change by establishing what he refers to as ____25___. He feels this would help to change the attitudes of both___26__and __27___. (*****难度)
22题根据谓语are,我们首先能确定为该空为复数名词,其次关键词为professor pretty,原文也很好定位。再者重点注意谓语动词concludes,我们可以判断此项是一种结果。在原文D段我们可以第一次找到professor pretty ,那么我可以在整个 D段发现只有2句中有复数名词:
第一句:professor pretty and his colleagues calculated the externalities of British agriculture....
第二句:they added up the costs of repairing the damage it caused....
从这两句主语,很明显知道不是题目中要求的professor pretty 所为,所以没答案。
其次看其谓语动词calculated /added up,均表示过程,并非结果,所以答案一定不在这两句中。
在E段句中我们能再次发现关键词professor pretty .
professor pretty draws a simple but memorable conclusion from all this :our food bills are actually threefold. 句中谓语动词 draw a conclusion正是题目中concludes相应,所以答案为 food bills。
23题,我们根据关键词Britain同样很容易找到原文对应段落和句子,再看题目中谓语reduce,我们可以初步断定该处需填一个名词,而且原文中会设计到该名词的缺点或者负面信息,原文中:but in Britain,where the immediate need to supply food is less urgent ,and the costs and damage of the intensive farming have been clearly seen....所以答案:intensive farming.
24题,关键词farmers 定位,从谓语词组would be unable to知道是farmers 不能怎么样,同样在原文找到farmers出现在G段第二句,organic farming woud be too big jump in thinking and practices for many famers.....
答案便是主语:organic farming
25题,难度系数较大。分析题目我们知道本句主语仍然是professor pretty ,谓语动词wants,表明该事未发生,第三该空需要与establish搭配,那么我们可以清晰知道,所填之词可能是某个组织或者标准,初步断定会填一个大写的词或词组。同样按顺序原则在G段(最后一段)最后几句,
Furthermore, the price premium would put....consumers. He is recommending the immediate introduction of a “Greener Food Standard”,which would push..... Such a standard would comprise.....
我们根据主语(人)和recommend=want能够断定答案:Greener Food Standard.
26题,27题乃并列关系,题目中attitudes可以断定该处应该填的是两个人,因为只有人才有态度。所以答案:consumers and famers.