雅思写作一直是雅思考生需要攻克的难题。那么通关秘笈是什么?很显然,雅思写作模板的时代已经过去了。“英文写作逻辑和衔接”才是那条通往罗马的必经之路。参照雅思官方发布的评分标准,不难看出雅思对英文写作逻辑的重视:“逻辑与衔接”(Coherence and Cohesion)为四项写作评分原则之一。
arranges information and ideas coherently and there is a clear overall progression (连贯地组织信息及论点,总体来说,能清晰地推进行文发展);
uses cohesive devices effectively, but cohesion within and/or between sentences may be faulty or mechanical (有效地使用衔接手段,但句内及/或句间的衔接有时有误或过于机械)
所谓“清晰的推进行文发展”,至少要做到文章中使用到准确、有效的逻辑连词(logical conjunction) 又名信号词。信号词对于文章过程的连贯起到了作用,它也是英语写作中众多过渡手段之一。雅思写作中常用到的逻辑连词按照分类如下10类:
(1)表示递进:and, also, too, in addition, moreover, besides ,furthermore, not only… but also…, along with, next, what’s more.
(2)表示时间: after, before, soon, when, until, during, immediately, then.
(3)表示举例: for example, for instance, such as, that is, in other words, in fact.
(4)表示相同即第二个观点在某些方面和第一个观点相似:Like, as, similarly, in the some way, as well, too, equally, likewise.
(5)表示不同,即观点和我们所期望的观点不同(读者需要对下一句的意思转换做好准备):Unlike, in contrast with o, whereas, on the contrary, on the other hand, instead, but, however, yet, although, nevertheless, even though, in spite of, despite, rather than.
(6)表示因果:since, because, due to, owing to, for, as, because of, on account of, as a result, therefore, thus, hence, so, consequently, so…that.
(7)表示目的:in order to, in the hope that, so as to, so that.
(8)表示总结 in conclusion, on the whole, to conclude, to sum up, finally, at last.
(9)表示顺序:first, then, next, after that, finally, last of all, still, soon, later, initially.
(10)表示条件:if, unless, on condition that, as long as, in case, suppose.
这些起桥梁作用的过渡词语(Transitional WordsPhrases) 把文章有条理的衔接起来,使整篇文章流畅自然、语义连贯。
liuxuequn.com雅思作文网,您的学习好帮手!感谢您阅览《逻辑连接词》一文.本文来自雅思作文网liuxuequn.com《逻辑连接词》。 重点分析逻辑连接词使用时几个常见的问题:
1Home-working enables employees to work at ease. For example, those with childcare responsibilities could arrange their schedule flexibly. 2Working at home ensures employers’ multiple options in human resource.
仔细理解不难发现其实1句和2句之间的关系是平等的,均属于观点句。为了让这两个句子凸显出相应的地位,以区别中间的举例部分,建议在1句和2句之前各添加表示递进的逻辑连词,如what’s more或 in addition. 修改后如下文:
To begin with, home-working enables employees to work at ease. For example, those with childcare responsibilities could arrange their schedule flexibly. What’s more, working at home ensures employers’ multiple options in human resource…
1 One hand, home-working enables employees to work at ease. 2 Nevertheless, these who are disabled can avoid many difficulties.
原文中1句和2句的逻辑连词都用错了。首先,从语法形式上看,逻辑连接词一般由连词、连接副词、介词、介词短语等充当。而1句的句首“one hand”是一个名词短语,证明不正确。我们需要做的修改是将“one hand”改成一个介词短语“on one hand”作为1句的逻辑连词;而相对应的逻辑连词应该是“on the other hand”,衔接与1句中观点相对应的另一方观点。比如:
On one hand, home-working enables employees to work at ease. On the other hand, employees may be confronted with some problems brought by home-working.
而对于2句中的连词使用错误是“nevertheless”这个逻辑词的意义与2句中的内涵不符。原文中的2句 these who are disabled can avoid many difficulties 是对1句观点的一个扩展和支持。所以2句和1句之间的逻辑不应该是nevertheless所表达的转折关系;相反,应该是递进或举例关系,所以可以做以下修改:
On one hand, home-working enables employees to work at ease, especially to those who are disabled, who can avoid many difficulties by working at home.
On one hand, home-working enables employees to work at ease. For example, those workers who are disables can avoid many difficulties by working at home.
1 Working at home ensures employers’ multiple options in human resource. 2 However, if they hire staff through modern technologies, such as internet, fax, or telephone. 3 It is hard to know how the employee’s quality is which takes disadvantages of the company. 4 Although it is hardly capitalize on employer.
请注意红色字体标注的部分,均属于滥用逻辑连词的部分。可以 看到,在4个句子中,这位考生错用了3个逻辑连词。这个现象属于 “makes inadequate, inaccurate or over-use of cohesive devices(衔接手段不足、不准确或过度使用)”——这是5分写作水平的评价。为了改善这个问题,达到6分的标准,建议可以做如下修改:
1 Working at home ensures employers’ multiple options in human resource. 2 However, if they hire staff through modern technologies, such as internet, fax, or telephone , 3 it is hard to know how efficient the employees are. 4 Therefore, home-working can hardly benefit employers.
【经历】毕业于University of St.Andrews,专攻English Language Teaching方向,获MLitt文学硕士学位。多次参加雅思考试,写作成绩均在8分以上