Some people believe that the society can benefit greatly from people who receive university education; others, however, think sending a large number of young people to university leads to the high rate of unemployment. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion?
13日雅思的这道写作考题是个半旧半新的题目,与08年1月26日的题目部分相似(In countries where there is a high rate of unemployment, most pupils should be offered only primary education. There is no point in offering secondary education to those who have no hope of finding a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?)。
南京新航道国外考试部主管 Andy(美籍)指出:这道考题会让学生产生一定程度上的误解!因为sending a large number of young people to university是一件事,意思是:让多数的年轻人接受高等教育,就算理解成让多数的年轻学生上大学也没关系。题目的重点是讨论接受高等教育的人,而不应该去讨论大学是否应该扩招,或是大学的职能等等。
为什么不应去讨论大学是否应该扩招呢?请各位同学想想,题目前半部分是讨论“接受高等教育的人是否能对社会有所贡献?”问题的逻辑层面就是讨论人,因此相应的后半部分应该讨论“接受高等教育的人数多是否会造成高失业率?”(不能因为目前国内在讨论大学是否继续扩招的问题,就去做相关的猜测) Andy更进一步指出:考生如果无法正确的理解考题,就很容易跑题!因为university education不仅包含了大学生,还包含研究生及博士生的教育,也就是说,指的是受高等教育的人。
1. 接受高等教育的人是否能对社会有所贡献?
对于这个观点,考生必须说明这些受过高等教育的人是否能做些贡献,如果能,那他们能做哪些贡献? 如果不能, 要说明为什么不能?
2. 接受高等教育的人数多是否会造成高失业率?
1. 考生在首段必须点明、肯定接受高等教育的人当然能对社会有所贡献,但是考生必须否定掉有些人认为接受高等教育的人数多会造成高失业率的这个观点并不完全正确,因为人数多只能间接的影响失业率,无法直接的影响,并说明高失业率尚有其他的客观原因存在。
2. 考生应在最后一段建议有关单位必须针对高失业率的问题提出相应的解决办法。
Some of those authorities on education (=education expert=educationalist ) point out that people who graduated from university can benefit society a lot than those who do not graduate from university. (先说明接受高等教育的学生比没接受高等教育的学生做出的贡献较多)Societal benefits from these graduates include: lower smoking rates, lower incarceration,more positive perceptions of personal health. (举例说明具体贡献)They also said that higher levels of education are correlated with higher levels of civic participation (such as volunteer work, voting, and blood donation). (再次强调接受高等教育的人会从事较多的公益活动) So, it can be clearly seen that students with high education are able to create more societal benefits than those without it.
However, others claim that sending a larger number of students to university will, in the long run, bring about a high rate of unemployment rather than create benefits for society. (先提出他人认为接受高等教育的人数多不会对社会有好处反而是导致高失业率的原因,接着透过转折关系把该观点否定掉)But according to a recent report by Global Human Resource Organization not only found that the high rate of unemployment in the university population is consistent with the fact that (值得模仿的句型)unemployment rates go up not mainly for sending a high percent of the youth to university but for globally financial alarms. (提出第一个例证说明另一个导致高失业率的原因是全球性的经济危机)It also showed that another reason why there is a high rate of unemployment is too few job vacancies (工作岗位=工作机会) to be offered (提出第二个例证说明导致高失业率的原因还有工作岗位太少). The report, therefore, argued that who should take the responsibility of solving the problem of unemployment. (借这个报导,提出问题,就可以引出末段,并在末段提出相应的解决办法)
安迪(ANDY,美籍)南京新航道学校雅思名师,美国 University of C.A. at Berkeley, MBA 。教授雅思、新托福等课程。深刻研究各类国外英语考试,对夺取高分有独特方法,拥有多年丰富的口语教学经验,历游世界多国,善于把西方生活理念以及文化注入口语教学过程中,课程信息量大,结构清晰。授课风格轻松活泼,富有激情,课堂互动性强,极具感染力。