作文 Version 40
Task 1:两个bar charts,关于美国一个主要航空公司从一月到二月的情况。第一个是percentage of flights on time;第二个是lost baggages complains。
Task 2:许多人说为了不断提高教育质量,就应该鼓励学生去评价和批评老师,另一些人说,这样做将导致教室里的尊敬与纪律消失。
Writing 69
TASK1:A graph and a chart, gragp shows the number of holidays taken by British
people and place(in Great British and abroad). The chart shows the activitivs that
the British people spend their holiday(see-signing, reading, hobbies and so on).
TASK2: Many pearents use punishment to teach the different between right and wrong
to kids. Many think punishment is necessary to help children learn the distintion.
What degree do you agree or disagree?
What kind of punishment do you think can pearents and teachers use?
写作 74
图表是两个bar charts,是学生的就业情况,比较容易。网上肯定有登,我就不写了。
作文2 是说which is the meaturement of a country's success.somebody says it is
people's life quality which has nothing to do except money,others argue that it is
a rich economy .What is your opinion?
作文: What is the success to a country? Some people think people should enjoy a
high-quality life, there’s nothing to do with money. Other believe a rich money is
a key factor to a country. What is your opinion?
task1. 两个bar chart。讲2000年在不同年龄段男女的失业率和就业率.悉尼就业和失业的年龄结构和性别的人数。T1还是两张图,柱状,数十根柱子。是悉尼的被雇佣者的年龄结构的男女比较和2000年被解雇者的年龄结构的男女比较第一个是讲就业人口的,纵轴是人数(注意单位是:千!!)横轴是每个年龄段,如20~25之类的。Male 和 female是一深一浅两个柱子并列的,趋势是先升后降,升到30~35是peak,降到最后60 and over是最低。第二个是失业的,坐标一样,趋势没有the first那么明显。从40~45开始升,到60 and over是最高的,有点较特别的是,male在15~19也较高。希望我的描述让你们明白,而且最好试一下写。因为,最近都是写两个图t2 有人说在某些情况下说谎是必要的,你的观点?是说人们应该多说谎言还是多说实话,多大程度上同意或不同意。有人认为没有必要tell the truth on all times. 在某些时候tell lies 是可以得,而且it is not a wrong thing。
task2.tell truth all the time is not essential.on some occassion you have to tell
lies.to what extent do you agree or disagree?
task 1: a line graph and a pie graph
describe daily demand for electricity in England in winter and summer (tow lines in
this graph)
graph 2 describe to use electricity in 4 different ways.Heating room & heating
water are 52.7%.the left is 17%for ...,15% for...,and 15% for...respectively . 有两个图,一个是LINE图一个是饼图,关于英国electricity在summer和winter的使用情况和用在一些电器上的比率.LINE讲的是WINTER和SUMMER在一天中的ELCTRICITY的用量。总体看来,WINTER几乎总比SUMMER多一倍吧。饼图讲的是这些被什么给消耗了:主要是四个方面用的,烧水什么的占了54%,还有两个什么占了都是15%,另一个是16%。
task 2 的题目绝了。
Happiness is considered very importmant in our life.
2)Why it is difficult to define ?
What factors are in achiving happiness?(或What factors are important in achieving
happiness或It’s very difficult to inditify happiness,what the important fators can
affect happiness.大致意思就是这样了。)
task1:是两个表,关于欧洲和美国,加拿大妇女接受教育的。是给你一个TABLE和一个CHART,分别说europe usa Canada的妇女受的高等教育的比例,其中欧洲中分丹麦瑞士等,第二个CHART说各个MAJOR 中女学生所占的比例,有HUMANITIES LAW MEDICINE ENGIEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE SOCIAL SCIENCE AND SO ON
Writing Version 77
Task1 a table and a chart.
Table shows the percentage of women participanting in high education in Europe,the
USA and Canada in 1994,1996and 1998.
Chart describes the proportion of women ,per field of study.it's in descending
Task2 Most countries spend large amounts of money on weapons to defend their
citizens,but some think they should put the money on their citizens'welfare
(maybe,don't remember this so clearly).to what extent do u agree or disagree.
writing version 77
写作很不爽。小作文有两个图表,第一个折线图讲英国人去国外度假,在国内度假,休假总人数在85年至2005年的变化。第二个图是柱状图讲英国人休假时的各种娱乐活动。大作文讲IT‘S IMPORTANT TO TELL THE CHILDREN WHAT IS RIGHT OR WRONG AT THEIR EARLIER AGE。 PUNISHMENT IS GOOD TO TELL THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN RIGHT AND WRONG。 TO WHAT EXTENT DO YOU AGREE OR DISAGREE? 再谈谈什么老师和家长进行PUNISHMENT的好方式。大意如上,也许会有误解题意,请后来者勘误。考前没准备过小作文有两个图表,
Writing (也许是72或是73或是71)
Task1.the table shows divison in household task(%)in terms of mainly women,mainly
men,shared equally关于男女分别在各个家务劳动中的比例Women mainly Men mainly Equal
shopping 46%;Washing&ironing 86% ;Repairng 92%作文开始。(VERSION 73)
Task 2.people use computer in shop,bank...without leaving home.someone think it is
danger because it may make people isolate and lose the social skills(基本的社会技
巧) to live with others.to what extend do you agree or disagree this opinion? 随着
计算机的应用让人们越来越孤立,是否会使人们丧失基本的社会技巧People use the
computers when they work , go banking and , but somebody argue that it will make
the people isolate and decrease social skills
To what extend do you agree OR DISAGREE??
VER 79
第一个bar chart 是3D的,是population decrease rate in manchester, birmingham,
livepool and somewhere :P 四个城市,百分比中间两个高40%上下吧,另外两个低,第二个是
households认为城市中最严重的问题 第一是crime超过60%,第二是rubbish 40%多 还有noise, neighbour等一共5个bar
waste disposal become increasing problem
how do you think it is true
and give some suggestion for goverment and individuals how to reduce the rubbish
being producing.
VERSION 79 TASK1 讲英国四大城市得人口下降情况(1962~1972)另一CHART讲
TASK2 “waste dispoal presents problems increasing especially in urban area”
suggest what should government and individuals do can help reduce a amount of
task1 三个pie chart 分别是1928 1958 1998年的世界能源总量和各个不同能源的变化
task2 老套!科学技术的带来好处以及它的危害