The idea of having a single career is becoming an old fashioned one. The new fashion will be to have several careers or ways of earning money and further education will be something that continues throughout life. What do you think?
Whether having several careers and continually re-educating oneself throughout life is the new fashion is an interesting question.
There are several reasons which suggest it may be the new fashion. Firstly, in today’s economy, job security is lowering and many companies are dismissing highly trained people who are therefore often forced to seek other careers. Secondly, there is a growing dissatisfaction (particularly in the west) with money and materialism. Many people often do not like their job (perhaps because they initially choose the wrong field of work), and value happiness first, and these people are likely to have many careers in their lives as they seek what they want. Finally, technology is changing quickly. Old jobs are becoming obsolete (making workers redundant) and new opportunities are emerging. The result is many career changes.
However, there are several reasons why having multiple careers may not be the new fashion. Firstly, most people marry and have children, and so they need a steady reliable income because of their family responsibilities (even if they are dissatisfied with their jobs). Secondly, I think people are generally afraid of change, and like the security of doing what they know, wherever possible. Finally, most people are ambitious and want to advance their careers as quickly as possible, and usually the best way to do this is to stay at the same job. If people leave their jobs, they usually have to start again at a much lower rank, and they usually do not like to do this.
In my opinion, I do not think having several careers is the new fashion. Certainly some people change careers because of the reasons I mentioned, but almost everyone marries, everyone likes security (financial, physical and emotional) and everyone has ambition. These qualities are a part of human nature, in every one of us to some degree, and for this reason I believe having multiple careers throughout life will never be popular.