

雅思机经:2012.4.21 雅思口语Part2机经考题

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2012-05-03 05:50




【 liuxuequn.com - 雅思机经 】


  Part 2&3考题总结


  An expensive thing

  Please tell me about something expensive you want to buy

  What is it?

  Where can you get it?

  What should do to but it?

  And explain why you want to have it?

  Nowadays, children are given a lot of things whatever they want, is it a positive or negative trend?

  Why more and more people want to buy luxury products?

  Do the young people save money?

  How do the young people save money?


  Please tell me about one piece of furniture in your house

  What is it?

  How does it look like?

  Where did you get it?

  And explain why you think it is so different?

  Who bought the furniture in your home?

  What are the differences between the furniture in office and the ones at home?

  What are styles of furniture in different countries?


  Please describe a family photo

  When did you take?

  Who are in the photo?

  Where did you take it?

  And explain why it is important to you.

  How to make sure taking a beautiful picture?

  Is photo a piece of art?


  Please tell me about a movie you watched

  What is the name of the movie?

  When did you watch it?

  What is the plot of the movie?

  And explain why you can remember it

  Who would like going to the cinema, the young or the elderly?

  Which one is more worthy, watching movies or reading?

  Is watching movies helpful for language improvement?

  What kinds of movies do the old people like? And what for the young?

  An interesting course

  Please tell me about one course which is very interesting

  What course it is?

  What are the contents of the course?

  Who teaches the course?

  And explain why you think it is interesting?

  How does computer change the way of teaching?

  What kinds of courses should be added into the education system?

  How old the student should start to select course freely?

  Something you lost

  Please tell me something lost

  What it was?

  Where did you get it?

  How did you lose it?

  And how did you feel when you found you had it lost.

  What are people’s attitudes toward losing things?

  What do people do when they lose something?

  What are the factors that make the rate of crimes higher?

  How to stop stealing?


  Please tell me about a bad weather you experienced

  When it happened

  Who you were with?

  What did you do?

  And explain how did it affect you

  How does the bad weather affect people’s life?

  How does the bad weather affect people’s mood?

  How do the governments react to the bad weather?

  What are the weathers like in different regions?


  Please tell me about one useful website

  What it is

  What it is used for?

  How often do you check it?

  And explain why do you like it.

  What are the differences between TV and Internet?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages for children playing computers?

  How does the technology affect people’s daily lives?


  Two people from the same family

  Please tell me about two people from same family

  Who are they?

  Is there difference between the personalities of these two?

  And explain why they are special?

  What are the changes in Chinese families?

  What are the changes on old people?

  Some one give you money as present

  Please tell me a person gave you money as gift

  Who is he?

  When and where did he give you?

  How did you use the money?

  And explain why did he do so?

  A good leader

  Please describe someone who is good leader

  Who he is?

  How does he look like?

  What is his personality?

  And explain what makes a good leader?

  What qualities should a good leader have?

  How do leaders affect the society?

  What should be done to become a good leader?

  What is the role of a leader in a team?

  A good student

  Please describe a good student who you study with

  Who he is?

  How did you study together?

  How did he affect you?

  And explain why do you think he is a good student?

  How to classify good students and bad students?

  What characteristics should a good student have?

  How to become a good student?

  An old person

  Please describe an old person you want to talk to

  Who he is?

  Have you ever met him?

  What do you want to talk about with him?

  And explain why you expect to talk to him.

  What are the highlights of old people?

  What can the old people teach the young people?

  How to tackle the aging problem in China?

  At what age should people get retired?



  Please describe a working place

  Where is it?

  Where facilities are available?

  How do you like this place

  And explain why do you want to talk about it.

  What is influence of company location?

  What effects does the way of product display have on the customers?

  How do the people go to work everyday?

  What kinds of public transport are popular?

  Should people live near the office?


  Please tell me about one hotel near your home

  What is the name?

  Where is the location?

  What facilities are there in the hotel?

  And explain why it is special

  foreign cities

  Please tell me about one foreign city you want to go

  Where is it

  Did you ever go there?

  What do you want to do there?

  Is there something different in the city?

  And explain why it is your favorite?

  Do you prefer taking bus or private car?

  What do you usually do when taking a bus?

  Where do the young people want to go in holidays?

  Ideal house

  Please describe your ideal house

  Where should it be?

  How does it look like?

  What should be in your house/

  And explain why you like it.

  Why do people change house?

  What are the house styles in different places?

  A place in the open air

  Please tell me somewhere you went to in the open air

  Where it is?

  What do you do there?

  Who usually goes with you?

  And explain why do you like it?

  What do Chinese people do in holidays?

  Why people go outside for holiday?

  Is it important for Chinese to take a holiday?

  How do people get relaxed?


  Please tell me about one restaurant you visited

  Where it is?

  Who did you go with?

  How do the dishes like in the restaurant?

  And explain why do you think it is special?

  Should the boys and girls learn how to cook?

  How can people learn cooking?

  Why do many people eat at restaurant?

  What are the differences between eating at home and eating at restaurant?


  Please tell me about a building in school

  What it is?

  Where it is?

  What do you do there?

  Who do you go with?

  And explain why you think it is so impressive?

  Please compare the benefits and flaws of living near and away from working place.

  What are the differences between the western architectures and eastern ones

  What are the advantages of living in big cities?



  Please tell me about one wedding ceremony you attended?

  Whose wedding is it?

  Where is it held?

  And explain why it is so impressive?

  When do you want to be married?

  What is the difference between a big wedding ceremony and a small one?

  What are the common gifts for wedding?

  Something you want to do in the future

  Please tell me something you want to do in the future

  What it is?

  Who do you want to do with?

  Where are you going to do?

  And explain why do you want to do it?

  What job do you want to do in the future?

  What kind of company do you want to work in?

  Is the plan for future important for one’s own development?

  Do you agree that the school should teach students how to make a plan for future?

  Sport event

  Please tell me about a sport match you have never seen, but want to see

  What it is?

  Where do you want to watch?

  Who do you want to watch with?

  And explain why you want to watch it?

  Why are there so many countries trying to hold the worldwide sports event?

  What are the benefits of playing sports?

  What are the differences between the women’s sports and men’s sports activities?

  What is the importance of newspaper and advertisement?

  Why are there so many commercials combined with sports event?


  A TV program that help you with something

  Something made you angry

  A change has positive influence on you

  Special meal you had

  A book you want to read again

  A piece of music you listened to

  An advertisement

  Historical building


  Are you working or studying?


  雅思口语考试part I当中几乎每次都会考到的问题,有些同学对于口语考试的评分方法的理解可能存在误区。错误的认为part I和Part III都是对话的形式,比较简单,只有Part II要求独白。所以,把重点的精力都放在part II的各类话题的准备工作上。实际上,一个资深的考官往往通过考生在Part I的几个问题也就是3分钟左右的表现就可以初步判断它的英语水平,后面的10分钟左右的时间会对原来的评估的基础上做一个修正。所以,大家一定不要忽视Part I的问题,需要用心准备。


  Sample Answer:

  I am not a student anymore, I graduated from XXX university 7 year ago, then, I joined XXX company and was dispatched to XXX(国家名) staying there for more than 2 years.

  这是考官可能对会你的在国外的生活或者工作经历产生兴趣,进而追问你在原来的公司或者在海外的生活经历,这些材料和内容需要事先熟练准备。这样的话Part I的问答当中会给考官留下深刻的印象。

  Which season is your favorite?



  Sample Answer:

  Definitely winter. Because I was born in north region of China, where is really freezing in winter, I get used to the cool or even cold weather. What’s more, I will never forget the beautiful scene after snow, all trees, houses, mountains covered with white snow.

  Which sport is the most popular in China?



  Sample Answer:

  I think the football is absolutely the most popular sport in my country, the students from primary school to university, are really into the game, even though our national team never performed well in worldwide matches.



  口语考试的难度,也是不断的逐年的提高的,尤其表现在问题对于细节的要求上。比如说,在Part II中的一道题目,Two people from same family. 在提示卡上还要要求他们的性格特点上的异同。简单的题目比如说一个老师、家人,只需要描述一个人的外貌,性格以及他和考生之间发生的一些事情。而在这道题目中,对于细节的要求比较明显。限定一,两个人一定要来自于同一个家庭;限定二,需要考生比较他们在性格上的异同。首先在对象的选择上,可能就不是很容易确定,第二,关于比较的内容对于考生来说也是比较难的部分。所以,大家一定要考前做好充分准备。

  在搜集到每个季度考题范围以后,考生需要尽量每天都做半个小时以上的练习,尽量每个题目,包括Part I, II, III的所有问题。如果临近考试,时间上来不及,至少要将每个话题的关键词列出来,把回答问题的思路理顺,这样在考试的时候才能胸有成竹。


  想了解更多雅思机经网的资讯,请访问: 雅思机经

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