Study and work:
Do you work or are you a student?
What subject are you studying?
Do you miss being a student?
Do you like your job?
Hometown :
Where do you come from?
What's the most attractive part of your hometown?
What’s the weather like in your hometown?
Do you know much about the history of your hometown?
Has your hometown changed much these years?
Would you say your hometown is a big city or a small town?
For you, what benefits are there living in a big city?
Do you think you will continue to live in this place in the future?
Do you like sending text messages?
Do you prefer sending or receiving messages?
When is the best lime to send message to others?
Have you ever received a message that was hard to understand?
When will it be better to make a phone call than to send message?
What kind of clothes do you usually wear?
Do you wear different clothes on weekends?
ls there any color you do like to wear?
Making list :Do you make a list when you go shopping?
Do you make a task list when you study?
Why do some people (don't ) like to make lists?
Will you make a table or just write down things directly on the paper?
Picnic :
How often do you have picnics?
Where will you go for picnics?
What are the differences between eating at home and having picnics?
Recycling :
Do you often recycle things?
Will you recycle things in the future?
Is it important for kid to recycle thing?
Taking a rest :
How often do you take a rest?
Do you take a nap when you are taking your rest?
How do you feel after taking a nap?
1、雅思口语发音提升方法,能够选用效仿的方式,也就是带读,是非常简单的提升方法。素材图片能够选自身喜爱的,例如喜爱的欧美明星,挑选她们的访谈,或是演说。尽量彻底 效仿她们的发音,语调重弱读 由于当然的语调十分关键,绝大多数的同学们语调全是较为平的,会给人一种读书,做作业很无聊的感 觉,令人非常容易注意力不集中,因此语调和重弱读尤为重要带读的方法在网上有很多详细介绍。例如一般的带读(合适初中级初级的同学们),影子跟读(合适口语基本还不错的同学们)。
如何提高雅思口语发音?要清晰地了解英文和汉语在语调、语句的重读及其节奏感等层面有什么不一样,要清晰地把握句中不一样的重读会导致的实际意义区别,随后用这种不一样的重读方法开展训练。碰到不确定性发音的英语单词部首查字典确定英语单词中的重读,听不一样来源于的正版英语原材料,能够协助你了解各种各样不一样的发音因素。比如:BBC广播节目、VOA、TED演讲中一切你很感兴趣的內容,即便 并不是细心征求关键点,仅仅让声频內容做为情况音还可以协助你熟悉英语的节奏感和语调。
改正发音/视频语音语调许多 同学们的方法是看英美剧训练音感,及其带读效仿,但难以察觉自己的发音不正确和无法摸透连读的标准。更快最有效的发音改正方法是找一个技术专业的教师训练,既能催促你张口训练,还能从这当中发觉你的不正确改正你的发音。