Some people think the media should report more good news. What is your opinion?
Some people think that life would be better if the media reported more good news. However, I do not agree with this point of view.
Firstly, it is important to remember that the media’s reports reflecting the realities at the world. Thus, if the world is in a terrible state then newspapers, radio, and TV will report this information to the public. Perhaps if there were happier things to report then the news would have a rosier complexion. Thus, to some extent, it is not the news that can make the world happier but the world that can make happier news.
Secondly, it is necessary to consider why more bad news is chosen to be reported than good news. Newspapers are not only a source of information they are also a commodity. This is to say, news editors must decide to report things that will attract the consumer’s attention. Thus, it seems that bad news dominates the headlines because there is a strong market demand for it. In a perverse way people seem to like and to be happy when they when they read about the miseries of others.
On the other hand, some people feel the media does not only reflect the state of the world, rather the media has a hand in shaping it. If the media reported more hopeful and inspiring stories then their readers would be positively affected. However, as mentioned above, people appear to take pleasure in reading about doom and gloom. Moreover, an excess of good news might make the general public overly optimistic about a sometimes brutal world.
In conclusion, it is vital to remember that news is drawn from reality and that the public tends to be drawn to awful news. Thus, reporting more good news will not change reality nor will it necessarily change people’s news interests.