请看一个雅思写作例子:There is no denying that encouraging industries or businesses walk out densely populated cities will diminish the inequality between urban and rural areas. But here is the thing, do we really keep the pros and avoid the cons via this attempt? The answer is obviously "no", or otherwise we should be naturally born in balanced development society. In fact, I think that encouraging industries and businesses to move out the cities is an attempt of no point.
这段话里,有三处读了觉得不爽的地方:There is no denying that,obviously "no",an attempt of no point。虽然这些表达展现出了作者十分的自信(我很欣赏),但是是谁给你的这份自信可以这么决绝地表达。那我作为一个雅思写作考官,就不能deny了么?作为支持产业迁出大城市的一方,我的attempt就变成no point了么?我同这位作者进行了交流,原来他的这番决绝是事出有因的:其实我抓不太准写作的强硬度,之前被说观点不明确(因为题目通常正反两面都可我就都说一下)所以。。。大概是过犹不及现在只陈述单一方好像又太武断= =
some most many/much a few/a little/sometimes usual/usually normally generally/in general on the whole/tend to/may might likely/likelihood probable/probably perhaps/maybe might as well
像大多数人在雅思写作时都容易中招的there is no denying/doubt that…是一个经典的粗暴句式,其实稍稍修改,它就会温和很多。试着读一读:there is little denying/doubt that…。如果要进一步软化的话,可以写成:there is arguably/probably little denying/doubt that…。