Now,in many countries women are able to join the armed forces on the equal basis of men. However,some people think only men should be members of the army, navy and Air Force. To what extent do you agree or disagree?在一些国家,女性同男性一样可以参军,有人认为,只有男性应该参军,你在多大程度上同意这个观点?(2016年5月19日)
① Some people believe that women should play an equal role as men in a country’s police force or military force, while others think women are not suitable for these kinds of jobs. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 一些人认为女性应该在国家的警察或军队中扮演与男性平等的角色,而另外一些人则认为女性不适合这些工作,讨论双方观点并且给出你的观点。(2011年2月19日)
② In many countries women are not able to join the army. But some people think women should be a member of the army,navy and air force. Do you agree or disagree? 在很多国家,女性不准许参军,很多人认为女性应该被准许参加陆军,海军和空军,你是否认同?(2003年9月20日)
2. 在这样一个性别平等,至少是呼吁性别平等的世界上,女性的各项权利正在得到广泛的尊重。在男权社会里,女性被认为是弱势群体。传统上讲,军警行业都是由男性主导的,因此,再谈及到女性是否适合军警行业的时候,仁者见仁,智者见智。
① 军人或是警察是高危职业,因此,不适合女性,设想,如果女性从事刑侦工作,那么她们不仅不能有效破案,而且这份工作还有可能威胁她们的安全。 同时,军人就有上战场的责任,在真实的战争中,女兵从体能和意志力方面,不如男性。
② 选择自己喜欢的职业,人人应该享有均等的权利,禁止女性入伍及从警是对女性选择自己喜欢的事业的基本权利的公然侵犯。
③ 女性从事警察职业或者是从军,可以发挥其性别优势,因为女性心思缜密,天性温柔。例如,女性的被侵害(来自性侵案)者应该由女警来安慰,在战争时期,女性医务人员可以给病员提供更好的情感安慰及精心的照料。
1. to join the army =to enroll oneself in the army=to go into the army=to enlist in the army 参军
2. is allowed to join the army 被准许参军
3. gender equality 性别平等
4. sex discrimination 性别歧视
5. the weaker sex 女性/ 弱者
6. male-dominated society 男权化社会
7. army and police 军警
8. protect one's home and defend one's country 保家卫国
9. comparative advantage比较优势
10. attentiveness and gentleness 缜密和温柔
11. suffer=victims 受害者
12. the rape case 性侵犯案件
13. spiritual comfort and emotional support 精神安慰和情感支持
14. highly risky career = extremely dangerous profession高危职业
15. criminal investigation 刑侦工作
16. crack a criminal case 破案
17. is prone to get injured 容易受伤
18. non-military jobs 文职工作
19. curative activity 医疗工作
20. individual propensity = personal willingness 个人意愿
1. This is a world of gender equality, or, at least, a world calling for so. 这是一个性别平等,至少是呼吁性别平等的世界。
2. When it comes to whether or not females should be allowed to serve the army, people hold divergent views. 当谈及到女性是否应该被允许参军的时候,人们观点分歧
3. The prospects of female policeman or soldiers is far from bright. 女性军警的前景暗淡。
4. It is every individual’s inalienable and equal right to pursue his or her dream career. 选择自己喜欢的职业,人人应该享有均等的,不可被剥夺的权利。
5. To forbid females from enrolling themselves in the army is an obvious infringement of their basic right of opting for their favorite jobs. 禁止女性入伍及从警是对女性选择自己喜欢的事业的基本权利的公然侵犯。
6. Female soldiers can fully demonstrate their comparative advantages because women are more likely to be attentive and tender. 女性从军,可以发挥其性别优势,因为女性心思缜密,天性温柔。
7. A case in point is that a female suffer from sex assault is better to be taken care of by policewomen. 例如:女性的被侵害者(来自性侵案) 应该由女警来处理。
8. During the time of war, female medical staff can provide the injured with better spiritual comfort and intensive care. 在战争时期,女性医务人员可以给病员更好地提供情感支持及精心的照料。
9. It is perfectly preferable and feasible to encourage females to enlist in the army.女性从事军警职业完全是可行的合理的。
10. A woman’s personal willingness should be fully respected in terms of joining the army and police女性从事军警职业,其个人意愿应该被充分尊重。