最常见的同义置换,通常出现在Section 2,3中,填空题选择题皆有可能出现。
1)剑四Test 2 Section 2 Question 13:
International students may find stress difficult to handle because
A. they lack support from family and friends
B. they don’t have time to make new friends
C. they find it difficult to socialize
听力原文:stress → anxiety, handle → cope with
A: lack →without
2)剑五Test 2 Section 4 Question 31:
More than _____ times as big as the UK.
听力原文:more than → over, as big as the UK → the size of the UK
3)E.g. However, women are more prepared to ______ about them.
听力原文:more prepared to → more willing to
grow → increase, expand, rise, improve, soar, climb, extend, rocket
contribute to → cause, trigger, lead to, result in, account for, give rise to, etc.
significant → crucial, enormous, dramatic, tremendous, remarkable, substantial, etc.
like → resemble, alike, identical, twin, similar
depend on → rely upon(on), count on, lean on, reckon on, rest on, etc.
large → big, considerable, enormous, gigantic, substantial, vast, massive, numerous, tremendous
before → prior to, earlier than, ahead of, previously, formerly, used to, etc.
disadvantage → drawback, minus, downside, deficiency, problem, flaw, weakness, weak point
剑四 Test 3
23. In the seminar the work on writing aims to improve
A. confidence
B. speed
C. clarity
听力原文:techniques to write clearly. Clearly → clarity的paraphrase.
photocopier—photocopying facilities
此类同义转化经常出现在Section 3,4中。试卷上的表达方式和听到的内容差异较大,也是广大考生跟不上节奏的重要原因。试想,如果没有提前读试题(这个现象非常普遍),在录音开始时才开始浏览,此时考生还要听录音,卷面上的用词面目全非,那么对于基础一般、反应较慢的考生来说正确率可想而知。所以熟悉逻辑转化和句式变化在此就显得尤为重要了。请看以下几个例子:
1)听力原文:Assertiveness training for pupils who are liable to be victims is worthwhile...
题干:For example, potential______ of bullying can be trained to be more self-confident.
2)题干:When investing in stocks and shares, it is suggested that women should put a high proportions of their savings in ______.
听力原文:a high proportions of 在此被替换成了70%.
3)题干:At that time, local craftsmen first built an iron forge just behind the village here.
听力原文:The metal industry was established at Riverside Village by ______.
4)剑五 Test 4
25. What does Karin think the company will do?
A. look for private investors
B. accept a takeover offer
C. issue some new shares
选项B→ they have the choice of accepting the very favorable terms that another company…have given them to buy them out.
选项C→ Or they could decide on a bolder move and offer some new shares if they wanted.
√选项A→ they will start trying to find individuals who’d be prepared to back them with some of the capital they need.
5)剑五 Test 4
26. How does the tutor suggest the company can recover?
A. by appointing a new managing director
B. by changing the way it is organized
C. by closing some of its retail outlets
选项A→ Sometimes there is a simple fix such as changing the guy at the top.
选项C→ I suspect they will seek to shut down some of their shops.
√选项B→ …would be to alter how they’re running things-the management layers and processes.