The birth of cars have made an enormous change to our life.in the past,we travel from one place to another only by foot,nowaday,cars can do it .its goes withour saying that the invention of cars bring great benefit to all of us.but as proverb goes:no garden without weeds.car is not exception.
Owing a car has a lot of advantages.for one thing,car provide us the most convient way of transportation.we can get around freely without spenting a lot of time.emotionally,i always found driving is so exciting.for another,its the comfortable to drive a car.In winter.drivers always can stay warm and dry even in rainy whether,in addition,drivers are usually safe in their cars when they are out at night.
Cars bring the human merits,their side-effects graudually come to the surface.firstly,to run a car need a lot of oil,which is getting less and less.the increasing number of cars contribute the lacking of energy.secondlly,as more and more cars are used,the traffic ecpecially in big cities is getting heaver and heavier,which lead to the serious social problem--traffic jam.in addition,the inceasing numbers of cars ,which excaust sent a huge quantities of carbon monoxide into atmosphere.it make the air of cities unbreathabe,it strip people contact with frensh air.
Therefore,the new energy should be explored to replace the oil so that our envionmental pollution can be avioded .and the strick law should be issued to keep the numbers of cars under control.thus,our heavier traffic can be solluted!
You should write at least 150 words.
This graph/pie chart/table/bar chart reflects the (rate/percentage/proportion/number …) of (对象) in(place/country)from …to…
According to the figure , it is not surpring findings that there was/were 总体趋势的描述(the overall trend tended to indicate…/the general trend is…/其他)
In conclude , the overall trend tended to illustrate ……during this **-year period
According to the data , the years from …to…saw/winess a rise/climb/drop in the number/rate/percentage/proportion of 对象 from数据to数据,which was followed by a rapid decrease/reduce/increase over the ** years.
The number/rate…droped/went up again from…in ** year to…in ** year and then went up/clined gradually until ** year ,when there was a leveling off/leveling out at 数据 for 一段时间。
Also it can be noticed that in ** year ,the number/percentage … reached the buttom . However/on the contrary,**year saw the peak during this period.
……时间点 ,when the number/percentage reached(amounted to)to a peak of… / a high point at …
……时间点,when the number/percentage bottomed out (at…)
The proportion/number of 对象 in the xx and xx are similar and follow the same trend.In ** the figures were xx% and xx% respectively,rising to xx% and xx% respectively in **,after dipping to xx% and xx% respectively in **.(总体的趋势介绍)Thereafter,分开介绍即可
…is projected to…… as to
…is expected to…… as for
…is forcasted to …… …is estimated to…
5. 对波动的描述
as can be seen from the graph,the two curves show the flutuation of…
……fluctuated dramatically between xx% and xx% during …period .
此外,在描述过程中还有很多的conjunctional words/sentences,最常用的固定搭配如下:
并列: as well as(句首/中), also, as well(句尾), either, neither, too, moreover, furthermore, in addition, additionally, besides, what’s more, apart from …
举例: for example, for instance, to illustrate, as an illustration, in particular, particularly, especially
事实: as a matter of fact, in fact, actually, as long as, so long as …
雷同/近似:similarly, likewise(句首/尾), at the same time, equally …
转折: however, whereas, nevertheless, nonetheless, though, although, even though, while, yet, on the contrary, contrarily, in contrast, conversely, on the other hand, unlikely, instead (of), in spite of, despite of …
It is clear that the most (adj.) xx is A, which accounts for m% of all x . B is the next largest(adj.)xx ,n% lower than A of all x and followed closely by C . The above three items of xx take uo about o% of the x%
By contrast D E andF make uo the smallest percentage of total x , which are p% q% and r% ,respectively.
The regions can be divided into two groups-one where … and the other where the reverse is the case.
Form, comprise, make up, occupy
Constitute, cover, represent, account for
Be shared by
In 1950, the urban population represented less than 13% of the total. It is now about 40% and is expected to reach 60% by 2030. (摘自BBC)
A quarter of…
Half of…
A majority of…
A has something in common with b
A shares some similarity with b
The difference between a and b lies in…
Double, triple, quadruple (v, n, adj)
原来的2倍-double, 50→100
原来的3倍-triple, 50→150
原来的4倍-quadruple, 50→200
The value of the house has increased fourfold (=it is now worth four times as much as before).
…be twice as adj. as …..
…more than xx times as adj. as …..
1. 找出最大值,最小值,以及一般值
2. 进行分析比较,找出近似值和相差很大的数值
1.a is nearly /more than…times as much/many/large as b.
3. be the same as…
(1). cause-effect (较常用) :XXX lead to / bring about / result in/ account for … (一个句子/shared the same tendency), therefore / thus / hence / as a result / consequently / (and) so …
(2). effect-cause (较常用)
XXX be caused by / result from / be the result of / be the effect of / be the consequence of … (一个句子/shared the same tendency), because …
it is adj. that …
it is unimaginable that …
it is undeniable that …
it is interesting to discover that …
23.in the 3 years spanning from 1995 through 1998... 1995年至1998三年里...