1) People can perform everyday tasks, such as shopping and banking as well as business transactions, without meeting other people face-to-face. What are the effects of this on an individual and the society as a whole?
2) Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic success. Others argue that happiness depends on different factors. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
3) Some people think that good health is a basic human need, so the medical service should not be run by profit-making companies. Do you think the disadvantages of the private health care outweigh the advantages?
4) Some people think that family life and parents have great influence on children's development, while others consider that external influence plays a more important role in children's life, discuss both views and give your own opinion.
6/4 小作文(流程图罐头水果制作) 大作文(记者是否值得信赖)——抽象题
6/11 小作文(饼图+表格) 大作文(政府是否应当资助公共服务设施还是艺术)——基础设施+抽象
6/23 小作文(曲线图) 大作文(传统食品是否会被国际快餐替代)——科技
6/25 小作文(柱状图) 大作文(广告的利弊)——抽象
综上所述,小作文部分真的是五种题型全部考到,这也在考试史上并不多见,因此题型失去了意义,关键是动静的区分,6月23和25都是动态的,6月11日是静态的,6月4日没有意义,总体上每月的动静态图的比例是2:2或者3:1,因此下月的第一次极有可能是一次静态图为主的考试,大家还不快最后看看“多少倍分”的描述和文字系统(commentative system),没有这个将在考场彻底石化。7月份相对来说流程图的可能性也不是太大。