2. 交代主题:然而,一些人担心广告的负面的影响,包括对个人与社会。However, some critics are concern about the negative influence of advertising, not only to individuals, but the society as a whole.
3. 文章结构:本文将分析广告的利与弊。This essay aims to explore the pros and cons of advertising.
II.Body 1:广告的优点
1.总论点:Advertising can bring enormous benefits to people, not only individuals, but manufacturers, and even the society as a whole
1.分论点1:广告为消费者提供了大量的信息。Appearing on various media, advertisements provide information which assists consumers to choose their desirable products.
2.分论点2:广告吸引顾客购买产品,因此刺激了销量Due to the huge influence of mass media, advertisements can attract people to purchase their products, therefore stimulating the sales.
III.Body 2:广告的缺点
1.论点:广告会引起顾客的冲动消费。Despite its importance, there is no denying that every now and then, advertising leads consumers into an impulsive purchase, thereby causing wasteful spending.
1.重申观点:In conclusion, advertising plays an essential role in society, not only making consumers well-informed buyers but also fostering economic development. However, consumers should beware of the misleading nature of advertising.
2.解决方法:立法机构应当制定严格的法律和法规来规范广告行业。Legislators should enact/ constitute more rigid laws and regulations to regulate the advertising industry.
A类Task 1 Bar chart(动态)
The charts below show the number of female and male in one college studying four different subjects in 2000 and 2008.
两个柱状图,第一个是2000年的,第二个是2008的,关于a college 的不同subject 的 female 和 male的人数, 分别是四个专业:business, tourism, engineering, computer science. 2000年的时候,人数差距最多的就是engineering, 女的不到100,男的超过了350;到2008年的时候,男女生在business 中的人数是一样的。
G类 Task 1 邀请信
You employed a photographer who took photos for your family and you were very happy. Write a letter to him and ask him/her to take photo for your family again, because your family will have a family event.
In your letter, you should:
1) tell him why you like him/her to take photo for you.
2) describe your family event
3) what specific photos you want him/her take
Task 2 生活健康类
Nowadays, people have a lot of pressure and stress. Try to describe what they are and explain how to reduce them.