Candidate: well, when it comes to an important object in my life, I’d like to mention my iPhone 5s. There are a couple of reasons why I suppose it is important in my daily life. The first reason why I think it is important is that I can take full advantage it in order to catch up with my family, friends and colleagues. The second reason why I think it is important is I can sometimes kill my time when I’m getting bored by using my iPhone to play some games. In the end, I’d like to emphasize one more time that my iPhones is extremely important in my life, and I can’t live without it。
important, 这个每个人都可以理解的单词,常常被考生们overuse for too many times (过度使用太多次了), 这个时候你完全可以学会去使用它的同义替换 critical, crucial, essential, vital, significant and so on。
考生一定要养成使用同义词的习惯,这里我有一个自己使用很频繁的字典想推荐给大家., 当然最推荐考生们能买到这本字典的进口原版. 虽然价格较其他字典稍显贵了点,但是我相信这是一笔划算的终身的投资,这本书不仅仅是为了准备雅思考试,并且能在以后留学生活工作带来很多便利。
‘Uses idiomatic language naturally and accurately.’
能自然,准确的使用英文惯用语往往是大多数考生忽略的一项重要评分标准. 可是仔细想想,也不难理解. 我们试想一下这样的场景,一个来自英国的Jerry和Harry来到中国考[微博]中文口语等级考试。
Jerry: ‘ 我个人认为团队合作很重要,它可以让我们的在工作中变得更有效率
Harry: ‘ 我个人认为团队合作很重要,个人能力是有限的,俗话说 ‘ 一个好汉三个帮’。
从中不难看出,Jerry and Harry 在回答上意思如出一辙,可是Harry很好的使用到了我们中文中的惯用语,这样作为考官的你,会更青睐哪一种呢?所以是否能准确,恰当的在口语考试中使用 idioms, 能最终影响你是否能在口语中取得更优秀的成绩。
来自BBC learning English program, 大家可以在这个节目中下载到很多地道的英语习惯用语的免费节目,时间也不长5-6分钟,完全可以在没事的时候kill sometime when waiting for buses or metros. 下面给大家一些idioms的例子:
‘out of the blue’ means something that suddenly and unexpectedly occurs。
‘under the weather’ means feeling ill or sick
‘to make a long story short’ means 长话短说
3. Grammatical range and accuracy (语法多样性和准确度), 在我的教学经验中,我个人认为反而这个评分项是众多中国考生往往最需要提高的地方. 简单来讲,这一项强调的是语法多样性和准确性. 下面我们具体来案例分析:
‘Uses a wide range of structures flexibly’ (band 8)
似乎看起来这么简简单单的几个单词,确是很难真正从字面上来了解考官到底希望看到什么样的答案. 可是我们来试想一下这么几个场景。
I’m Aowen Fan, I’m 24 years old, I’m from local Wuhan, and I’m an English teacher at an English training institution currently. I’m extremely interested in listening English songs from both Europe and America and watching movies from Hollywood。
I’m Aowen Fan, a local who was born and raised here in Wuhan. After being educated overseas for over 5 years, I decided to become an English teacher at an English training institution and have been working here since a year ago. To watch a bit of movies from Hollywood and enjoy some music from abroad are two of my all time favorite hobbies。