此预测主要针对5月9日和5月16日的两场考试,参加5月21日及5月30日考试的同学也可将此预测作为复习参考,着重准备相关话题。若5月口语考试增添新话题,我会对其进行第一时间的讲解并对预测进行及时的调整补充。 Part 1 1. Names 2. Work/studies 3. Accommodation 4. Hometown 5. Handwriting 6. Letter 7. Weekends 8. Daily routine 9. Leisure time 10. News 11. Gardens 12. Music 13. Museums 14. Party 15. Sport 16. Swimming 17. Bicycles 18. Shopping 19. Travelling 20. The internet 21. Cooking 22. Birthdays 23. Visitors to your home 24. Food 25. Gifts 26. Plans 27. HolidaysPart 2 1. A big organization 2. A book you recently read 3. A childhood game 4. A childhood song or melody 5. A childhood toy 6. A course you would like to study 7. A family member you spend most time with 8. A famous person 9. A future change 10. A good friend 11. A habit that influence your life 12. A library 13. A long journey 14. A photograph 15. A piece of good/ interesting news 16. A place that you live in 17. A polluted city 18. A public welfare activity 19. A sculpture or a work of art 20. A special gift you give it to others 21. A success you have had 22. A traffic jam 23. A TV program 24. Advice 25. An advertisement 26. An historic site 27. An impressive music 28. An interesting lecture or speech 29. An interesting story 30. Clothing for special occasions 31. Cooker 32. Education visit 33. Exhibition and art 34. Favourite food 35. Favourite part of your town 36. Favourite season 37. Future job 38. Law 39. Letter 40. Museums 41. Performance 42. Someone who is good at cooking 43. Something you want to buy in the future 44. Something You Would Like to Learn 45. Sports 46. The way you get information 注意:以上话题均来自考生回忆,可能与真题有所出入,仅供学习交流及复习参考!