原文:A survey carried out in 1988 by Britain’s Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) revealed that 78% shares were female, the majority of whom were between the ages of 20 and 40.
题干:The majority of male job shares are between 20 and 40.
误解: I thought it was N, 按照F2原则“原文与题干考点相同但具体内容不同”
辨析:这道题目的定位词应该是male job sharers,考点词是majority,绝对考点。原文中根本没有定位词,当然是NG1(根本没有定位词)。你的问题出在违反了“先定位,后判断”的原则,在没有定位的情况下就做了判断。
原文:A 1991 study of employees working under supervisory positions shared by two people showed that those who prefer such a situation do so for several reasons. Most prevalent were those who felt there was less bias in the evaluation of their work because having two assessments provided for a greater degree of fairness.
题干:Most employees prefer to work under a shared supervisory position.
误解: I thought it was Y
辨析:定位词为a shared supervisory position,考点词为most。原文中有定位词,但是没有most考点词,应该是NG2(有定位词,没有考点词)